Discover the history and culture of Guangzhou from the Sacred Heart Cathedral

The Sacred Heart Cathedral of Guangzhou, also known as the “Stone Room,” is a Gothic Catholic church with profound historical and cultural significance located at 56 Old Buqian Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province. The following is a detailed introduction to its history and culture:

Historical Evolution

  • Foundation and Construction: The construction of the Sacred Heart Cathedral of Guangzhou began in the 14th year of the Guangxu reign of the Qing Dynasty (1888), but its foundation ceremony can be traced back to June 28th, 1863, the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The church took 25 years to complete, a time span that not only witnessed the arduous process of its construction but also embodied the exchange and fusion of Chinese and Western cultures.
  • Designers and Builders: The church was designed by French architects and built by Chinese craftsmen. This Sino-Western collaboration allowed the church to retain the essence of Gothic architecture while incorporating traditional Chinese architectural elements, making it an artistic masterpiece that blends East and West.
  • Important Renovations: Over the years, the Sacred Heart Cathedral has undergone numerous renovations and preservation efforts. In particular, in 2004, the Guangzhou Municipal Government allocated special funds, and the church also raised funds on its own, to conduct a comprehensive repair of the church, preserving its original charm and beauty.

Architectural Features

  • Magnificent Scale: The Sacred Heart Cathedral of Guangzhou has a building area of 2,754 square meters, with a width of 35 meters and a length of 78.69 meters from north to south. It stands 58.5 meters tall from the ground to the pinnacle of the tower. It is one of the most magnificent double-spire Gothic buildings in China and one of the four all-stone Gothic churches in the world (the other three are Notre-Dame de Paris, Westminster Abbey, and Cologne Cathedral).
  • Unique Shape: The church boasts a towering appearance, with a deep interior space and exquisite detailing. Its towering towers, massive columns, pointed arches on the roof, and stained glass windows together constitute its unique Gothic architectural style. In particular, the pair of towering double-spire stone towers (hollow octagonal cones) on the facade are the landmark of the church.
  • Stone Craftsmanship: All the walls and columns of the church are built with granite, hence its name “Stone Room.” The stones are laid with tung oil and glutinous rice paste, and the joints are straight and even. The numerous carvings inside and outside, even the rose window grilles, are carved from stone and fitted together seamlessly, demonstrating superb stonework techniques and structural precision.

Cultural Significance

  • Religious Faith Center: As the main cathedral of the Guangzhou Diocese of the Catholic Church, the Sacred Heart Cathedral of Guangzhou is not only a center of religious faith but also an important venue for believers to conduct religious activities.
  • Sino-Western Cultural Exchange: The construction and design of the church are the result of the collaboration between Chinese and French craftsmen. It not only embodies the essence of Gothic architectural style but also incorporates traditional Chinese architectural elements, serving as a vivid example of the exchange and fusion of Chinese and Western cultures with foreigner.
  • Cultural Heritage: On November 20th, 1996, the Sacred Heart Cathedral of Guangzhou was announced as the fourth batch of national key cultural relics protection units by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China. It not only has high historical, architectural, and artistic values but also significant cultural significance.

In summary, the Sacred Heart Cathedral of Guangzhou is a treasure trove of history, culture, architecture, and art. It not only witnesses the spread and development of Catholicism in Guangzhou but also showcases the historical achievements of Sino-Western cultural exchange and fusion. For tourists interested in modern Chinese history, architectural art, or Christian culture, the Sacred Heart Cathedral of Guangzhou is a must-see destination.